About Us

            Valdez Lodge No. 4 is a Masonic Lodge located in Valdez, Alaska, and operating under charter of the M.W. Grand Lodge of F. & A.M. of Alaska.

            Valdez Lodge received dispensation from the M.W. Grand Lodge of F. & A.M. of Washington on March 17, 1908, and was chartered as Valdez Lodge No. 168 by the Grand Lodge of Washington on June 17, 1908. Valdez Lodge was reconstituted and renumbered as Valdez Lodge No. 4 on February 7, 1981 by the newly formed M.W. Grand Lodge of F. & A.M. of Alaska.

            We desire to bring the best Masonic experiences from our collective travels around the United States and abroad to Alaska. We intend to inspire other lodges in Alaska by being the exemplar for new and traditional concepts in Masonry.

            We are dedicated to returning to old traditions and seeking excellence in our Masonic journeys, while practicing Masonry with a small, tight-knit group of brothers that can adapt to new concepts.

            Our goal is deliver a high-quality Masonic experience to the Masons of our Lodge. We meet every Tuesday, and enjoy great fellowship, ritual practice, educational lectures, presentations, and discussion. Our Stated Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month. These meetings are light on business and heavy on Masonry. We enjoy good food and fellowship every Tuesday. Every degree and special event is followed by a traditional, formal festive board, complete with ceremonial toasts, songs, and brotherly love. 

Mission Statement

            Valdez Lodge No. 4 is a Blue Lodge that has adopted new concepts to deliver high-quality Masonic experiences and traditional observances of Masonry through brotherhood, a dignified and intellectually engaging atmosphere, excellence in ritual, engaging programs and events, and adventure in the great Alaskan wilderness.

Vision Statement

            Valdez Lodge No. 4 is Alaska’s premier adventuring Masonic Lodge where the Masons enjoy spirited and civil discourse, excellent programs and events, explore Alaska, and learn and prosper from applying Masonry in their lives.